Bury Standard 4 Group - Restoring 80097 and 46428

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Wagon Update

Monday, 8th February, 2016


The Group has continued with the refurbishment of the High Fit wagon which needs both drag boxes and buffer beamsreplacing.


Allan, Jimmy and Connor continued with the welding on of the new end for the wagon. Richard made new dummy rivet bolts for the wagon buffers. The first end is now completed.


Most members of the workshop team have been involved in preparing steelwork for the second end of the wagon and this is now ready for fitting. The wagon was turned using the turntables in the ELR workshop at Baron Street and reconstruction has now started with the sides being cut off and lifted and the old drag box and buffer beam cut off.


Photos are:

                       Welding up the new drag box / buffer beam assembly

                       Cleaning up the new welding

                       The painted new wagon end and preparing to remove the second end


Wagon Update Wagon Update Wagon Update